Sunday, 25 August 2013

Chilika Lake ....(Odisha)

Chilka Lake is a brackish water lagoon, spread over the Puri, Khurda and Ganjam districts of Odisha state on the east coast of India, at the mouth of the Daya River, flowing into the Bay of Bengal, covering an area of over 1,100 km² 

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Project Love & Respect (Fisher Man Village 2013)




Vision: To reach the people of the society who are less fortunate and to adore these innocent smiles that are not noticed in our society & help women empowerment.

Mission: To see if we together can make a difference, by being humans & understanding other human beings as well .There are many smile that are innocent & beautiful waiting to be seen & adored We all need to understand that every smile we see in this journey of Project Love & Respect (Fisher Man Village 2013) are alive truly and are indeed true signs of being a human being .There are many suffering in pain because there is nobody to care or give a helping hand.

a) We are talking about many beautiful innocent children to start with who are children’s of fisherman ,sex workers so on and so forth , who do not have an opportunity of  any kind of education .

b)We talk about women who are under privileged in the society because they are sex workers and do not have any importance in society , if these women has different choices they would not be in  this situation ,we are not saying we will change the world but we will together make a difference 

c) We talk about the people who are suffering from various deceases and cannot afford their cure. Our aim is to see if we together can help these people with medical aid.

d) We are also helping people in this village to live a better life & assure them all, they are a part of Society and we all care for them.

Our Effort’s

We are running a census in the fisher man village which will be initiated soon .The census will help us determine the exact number of  children’s with their  correct age group so we can provide them correct help in terms to social up bringing  & education

The Census will help us find out the major sickness that people are facing ,like Asthma ,Aids and so on & so forth and will give us crystal clear idea of which medical Campinas we should be running in the near future because our cause is aided by Few Medical Institution & looking for more assistance as well

 Will help use to fight problem like Prostitution, because of few local help we are aware of the people engaged in sex trading & children abuse as well.

The Census will help us to get perfect count of the people living in the fisher man village as well; will also give us a clear picture of birth rate & death rate as well

 Will help us find out what are the major problems that are faced by the people of the fisher man village

The Census is a true fact that will give us an uncut vision of Fisher man village & will also help other organization to work for the betterment of the settlers of the fisher man village.

 Will also help to find out the number of youth that are unemployed and to see if we can provides them with some help in the form of employment

Will also help us to carter to senior citizens and get them their rights in the society 

Will help us to understand those who suffering from alcohol addiction & will give us an idea of the intensity of the program we need to run for the effected

Women abuse is another issue we face through the country, and with the help of local authorities we could help the women affected by these atrocities.

Women empowerment under all age group is also one of the main reasons of the Project



Some thing about the NGO initiating this Project

THE OLIVE ORISSA is a register organization in IGR, Cuttack, under Register of Society Act, 1860 which is register to work through out Orissa. It obtained its registration in the year 2003. The organization mainly works on the Projects like - Tribal Child Education & Health, Skill Development for the Young rural girls and Women for self earning, Mobile Check up Camp for rural village families, Relief & Rehabilitation Project due to natural calamity etc.
 The organization has obtained FCRA (Foreign Contributions & Regulation Act.) from Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi to receive funds from foreign countries organizations as well as foreign donors.


Social Contributions from the Society & Institutional Aid

We know our efforts are toward the betterment of the people who are less fortunate, We have helping hands but we would appreciate if there could be more support .This will help us together to bring betterment to many who are less fortunate.

Rufus David
Social Worker
(Editor& Writer) Rufus’s Travel Uncut